Teachers can now evaluate their bosses? What about giving marks to the Education Minister?

COMMENT: After my first post cautioning Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik not to be distracted from the focus to transform the Malaysian Education System, I received a lot of feedback from readers. Within just two days after it was posted, it has received nearly 4000 views.

A teacher friend forwarded me an article from Oriental Daily calling it 'the joke of the day.' Curious, I asked, "What does the article say?"

To my disgust, it is another blunder made by Maszlee which clearly shows that he has never thought through the idea thoroughly.

Like the change of school shoe colour effective 2019, I doubt Maszlee has discussed it with the stakeholders. I guess this is another of his unilateral decisions.

According to the article, teachers will soon be able to evaluate their bosses -- the school principals. While I think this is a good move in that it makes some principals more accountable to their subordinates, the reality is far harsher than what Maszlee can imagine from his ivory tower.

My friend quipped: "Could we also give marks for the education minister too?" Although the remark was made tongue-in-cheek, I can fully understand his concerns. As a teacher, he understands the school landscape better than the ministry officers.

Prior to his announcement, I wonder whether Maszlee has already developed a system of evaluation that can safeguard the whistleblowers' identity before he made the press statement.

At the back of my mind, I am asking, "How is the ministry going to collect the forms from the teachers? Will the teachers have to submit the forms through their principals in "s-e-a-l-e-d" envelopes?"

Knowing some school principals, it will turn out to be a mockery when the teachers are instructed to write only good comments about their bosses.

Indeed, my next question is: "So what if the principals are evaluated poorly? Will the Ministry of Education sack them? Does it even have the political will to remove errant school heads based on the teachers' evaluation?"

It is anyone's guess what will be the outcome of this whole exercise. At best, it will only be a waste of time for teachers who are already saddled with a lot of administrative work such as collecting money on behalf of the Parent-Teacher Association. This is what Maszlee should stop immediately as it takes away a lot of precious teaching hours.

Just look at how many principals have been removed in the past 10 years, and you can guess that whatever evaluation is given by teachers, it will simply lead to nothing. Hence, my friend is right, if the minister fails to address the real issues on the ground, perhaps, he should also be subjected to some evaluation.

To put in other words, this announcement made by Maszlee clearly shows the lack of consultation with the stakeholders every time a new policy is implemented. I expect torpedoes being fired soon from all corners within the next one week, do you?

My advice to him instead is to set up a special complaints channel (maybe, the Integrity Unit) to allow teachers to become whistleblowers but these complainants must first be protected from their vindictive principals if we are ever to help address their grievances.

(In future, when something is still in the works, do not announce it until you have tied all the loose ends).

最后更新 2018年09月30日 18时27分


(居鑾30日讯)教育部长马智礼表示, 关键绩效指標 (KPI)综合下属意见的做法在私人界流行已久,未来探討教师评估校长的表现也將是大势所趋。


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