Incomprehensible of Maszlee to redefine the word "dakwah" to suit his own purposes

Photo credit: Free Malaysia Today

By Stephen Ng

I find it most appalling when Education Minister, Maszlee Malik still chose to defend his statement made in parliament recently about urging the ustaz and ustazahs to remain in Sabah and Sarawak to make it their 'Medan Dakwah.'

This, despite of all the grouses raised by Sabahans and Sarawakians. The minister is just insensitive towards the feelings of all Malaysians, and in particular, our East Malaysian brothers and sisters.

Here are just some samples of what people have spoken up.

For him now to call others of having 'narrow thinking' is unbecoming of the minister, whose explanation of the word 'dakwah' is beyond comprehension.

A quick check of the word 'dakwah' clearly shows that it is a "general Malaysian term for missionary work, proselytization and Islamisation."

In short, he is in a state of self-denial. Enough is enough. No one can comprehend why he is in such a state of denial but if he chooses to remain stubborn, he might as well resign from his post.

I cannot believe it that, in order to just to defend himself, he is redefining the word 'dakwah' to suit himself.

As he continues with his rhetoric, there is no tuning back as many people are  already calling for his resignation, not only as the president of Islamic International University Malaysia (IIUM), but as the education minister of Malaysia.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has made a very bad decision in appointing Maszlee Malik as the education minister. This appears to be the opinion expressed by a number of net citizens.

A net citizen hits the bull's eye when he said, "I agree totally. Our main problem is our education system is so damaged it will take a long time to overhaul to repair. I feel Maszlee Malik is not well-equipped to handle this task. It overwhelms him, hence he is circumventing this issue by making all kinds of statements."

It is time for Dr Mahathir to look seriously at the minister's performance instead of doing another injustice to the future generation of Malaysians.



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